Chapter 1: Chronicles Of A Zulu Kasi Princess (Page 4)

"Like mother, like daughter"

The daughter's move into a new job is exciting news for Sharon, Ntiseng's mom. Their daughter-mother relationship has shifted from sour to sweet love shared in a positive space that allows for imperfections. Sometimes she regrets the time spend in fixing her marriage neglecting the role of being an active mother because her six children became products of her absenteeism. She believed that Ntiseng learned the behavior  of a life that looks perfect outside but a mess inside from herself, youd swear they are peace as Outside they look cool as a cucumber while they have an emotional war inside.

Ntiseng was her second daughter, who was the first to get married at the age of 22. It was a difficult journey for Gideon and Sharon to release their child to the unknown world of  confusion. Sharon had no time to guide and usher Ntiseng into marriage hence she was blamed her whole life for that .

Her high standards and believe that she deserves the best, threw Ntiseng into a family of great pretenders and shallow egoistical people. No one could meet a standard of a neat handsome dark tall men who is a doctor by profession, instead her husband was short and very reckless with life. That annoyed Ntiseng and drove her to find rest in giving 100 percent into her career.  She worked as a Secretary in Avbob. Being a mother at an early age, she did  not get time to choose the right to think about what she wants in life. Now she was forced to live with a man who struggled to accept her beauty and power.

In the mean time, she painted a picture  to her family and friends that marriage is  heaven and one has give the best to get the best in marriage when she cried herself to sleep almost every weekend. 

Sharon was very worried about this  kind of behavior because that's what destroyed their relationship in the first place. Ntiseng is trying everything to impress her husband and in-laws, while the other aspects of her life are ignored. Like her daughter, Sharon over analysed and think about life. She balanced herself with the stoep outside, grabs the saucer and a jug of water and entered into her seven bedroomed house.


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